Monday, October 11, 2010

Hadley is doing really good. He is so happy to be home and in his own familiar places. He has been working on some things at home to make him stronger. Randy is quite the instructor when it comes to keeping Hadley going I think he is doing more and more everyday. He is back to some chores and walking without his walker now. He even went hunting with Randy this weekend they drove in the pickup which was something we didn't know he would ever do again. Everything is so major now we take nothing for granted when it comes to Hadley and many other things now, because to have that feeling of not knowing if it will ever happen again is so horrible to feel.  He will hopefully start with a tutor soon to help him with his school work. Sugar Salem has been out for Potato Harvest and when that is over we will get him going with a tutor.

We have been so blessed with the outcome of Hadley's accident. It is so nice to be back to normal. There are of course some things that Hadley is needing help with but he is doing great. I would like to thank everyone for following this blog and praying for Hadley. I will keep in touch as we get more news or as Hadley progresses with things. Stay Positive for him Hadley is definitely staying that way and that is how we want it to stay.


Tuesday, September 21, 2010

One month and 14 days later and it is time. Hadley is coming home today!! We have been seeing so much improvement with Hadley the last week. On Saturday we did get to go to the Zoo, out to lunch, and then walked through the mall for a little while. On Sunday Hadley got to come home for a little while and visit, but had to be back at 5:00. It was so fun to get a little normal back in our lives. He had a lot of people at the house to visit with and just kinda sit around in the front yard like a lot of times before. This has seemed like forever and we are so grateful for today.

Hadley has to have a little procedure today to take a filter out of his body that was helping with blood clots if he had any while healing. That is happening sometime this moring, after I am sure he will have to stay there for a while to see how he does, and then he will be on his way home.

I am so proud of you Hadley and even though things are not 100% yet we will get there! It is going to take time but we have as much time as we need. I am so grateful for you, you are a great brother-in-law, an awesome Uncle to Crae, and a big part of this family.  We don't know what we would do with out you.


Tuesday, September 14, 2010

We talked to Hadley on the phone last night, he sounded great!! He told Mike that his therapy went good yesterday and he was feeling pretty good. He also told us that he migh get a Free Day this weekend. Which means he can leave the hospital for a little while and go and do something fun. Mike asked what he was going to do and he said probably go to the zoo. I hope that everything goes smooth for him and we really can go and do that. Keep your fingers crossed!!

 Here are some pictures of Hadley doing this therapy sorry it has taken me so long to get them on here. 

This is Mike, Hadley, and his Therapist working on squezzing a ball with his legs. 

Mike, Hadley, Randy, and MaCrae cheering Hadley on. This was one of the first days he started walking.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Hadley had a good weekend again. He is walking more everyday and working very hard at his Therapy. John and Heather stayed with him on Friday night and Mike and Randy spent Saturday with him. He is doing really well just waiting for the green light to be able to come home!! Still no news on the surgery just waiting. There is definitely one thing we have learned in this process and that is patience it is very hard to just wait, wait, wait, but when it comes right down to it that is all we can do.

We Love You Hadley

Friday, September 10, 2010

Hadley is doing great! He is getting better everyday. His therapy is going good and he is doing new things everyday to help his left side more. The left side is a lot slower than his right but he is working really hard at getting it going.

We are getting closer to his surgery everyday. There has not been a date set but it is always on the back of our minds. I asked how detailed the surgery was and Sheila had said that it is a very rare thing to have and there are not many cases in the United States. What he has is a cluster of nerves in his brain and the doctor is going to have to sort through those nerves and determine if Hadley needs them or not. Which you would think that all of them would have a purpose not sure why some don't. The nerves that Hadley doesn't need will be capped off with something and the other ones will be re-connected or placed where they need to be. We are not sure if all of the work that he has done to get to the place he is at now will have to be redone or not. We are hoping for a miracle in that he will come out of the surgery better or the same that he is now. He has worked so hard to be here!! The littlest things that we take advantage of everyday like talking, eating, scratching our nose or even being able to dress ourselves Hadley has had to work very hard at to be able to do again. We just hope that he can still do this after the surgery. You are always sceptical about surgery or the doctor that you are going too but we have faith that they will help Hadley to be ok and work with him until he is back to normal. I will keep you posted on any further Surgery info when we get it.

 110% Hadley, we know you want this as bad as we do !! We all love you!!

I again want to thank everyone for what they have done to help us, donations, food, money and prayers have been so appreciated. The donation will help tremendously with the medical costs. We are so grateful for every penny. It make us really appreciate the area and the people that live among us. I know I speak for everyone in our family when I say this Thank You!!


Monday, September 6, 2010

Tomorrow will be the One month mark for Hadley! We have seen huge improvements the last week in Hadley's progress. Today we had a great visit with Hadley. He joked with Mike all day and teased everyone. He loves to joke and play around and that is what we love and have missed this last month. It is so good to see the old Hadley show through. When we got there he was just starting his physical therapy. We first got Hadley a walker and he tried walking. With a little bit of help from all of us he did great. His left leg doesn't work as easily as his right but it is coming along good. Through out the day Hadley walked over 90 feet. We got done walking and they took him in to pedal on a bike machine, kick a ball and work on moving his left leg in the right movements.

After physical therapy they gave Hadley a shower. When the nurse turned on the water her and Hadley both realized quick that the water was freezing cold. Hadley gave it just a minute and then turned the shower hose onto the nurse for revenge!! Hadley thought it was pretty funny, but I am not sure the nurse thought it was as funny.

Today Hadley decided that he wanted Wendy's instead of the hospital food so Randy went and brought him back a baconator, fries, and a frosty. Hadley loved every minute of the burger and ice cream. He is getting really sick of the hospital food.

Hadley has started to ask when he is ever going to be able to go home. The doctors have told him that when he can walk pretty good on his own that he will be able to go home. He is very excited about this and is working very hard on his walking this week so that he can be closer to coming home. Hadley's attitude is really good I think that it is hard for him to not be able to do the things that use to be so easy for him. He has a great support team behind him from the nurses, doctors, therapist and family he gets plenty of encouragement. We are behind you 100 % Hadley and we love you like crazy keep up the good work and we will be walking out of the Hospital before long.

We Love You

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Good things are happening, Hadley is doing great today. He is still doing a lot of therapy- physical, occupational, and speech are the therapies he is doing. I asked Sheila how he was doing with all of that and she said that he does great. She said he has started to tell the nurse that he is tired after a while, but hangs in there until the end.

 She also said that yesterday he was telling Randy and Sheila to "be quiet" and to "shut-up" when he was getting irritated. Randy and Hadley have a relationship that is a lot of teasing each other most of the time so of course now that Hadley is getting back to normal Randy doesn't stop with the teasing he lets him have it. So Hadley lets him know when he has had enough. I think that some people would be offended by "shut up" but to us that means that Hadley is getting closer and closer to being himself again. It is all in fun with the Mortimer family everyone has to take there turn being the brunt of the joke and Hadley seems to be that more than anyone else, must be because he is the little brother.

 We didn't make it down to see Hadley yet but hopefully soon, I somehow wish that everything else in life would be put on hold so we could spend more time where we really wanted to be. Which for us is down with Hadley, but for some reason life just won't do that. I promise that when I get down there I will take pictures and update the blog. Thank you for following this and for praying for Hadley it means the world to us as a family.